
Welcome to Mikata Project

Jul 25, 2020 | 3 minutes read

The Story

Mikata Project is a collection of open-source Python and R tools for data science in production. This project was founded by System1’s data science team. Like many of you, we are full-stack data scientists who deal with a wide range of technical problems related to database connections, cloud services like AWS, third-party APIs, logging, security etc. To tackle the challenges that come with building a performant, production grade data science platform, we collaborate. As tools are created, they are first shared with the broader team, then packaged, and eventually turned into open source repositories.

Now, we would like to share our work, and invite you to collaborate. Although these tools may have originally been developed for internal use, our mission is to release them under an independent organization led by open-source enthusiasts to guarantee the long-term success and community of our beloved tech stacks.

What does Mikata mean?

Mikata (味方) means friend or ally in Japanese. We believe that collaboration makes software development and data science fun and rewarding. We can be friends/allies who solve each other’s production struggles/issues!

How to Contribute?

Just as you can for any open source project, you can contribute in many ways. Here is a non-exhaustive list:

  • Report bugs or ask for new features
  • Submit PRs with new features and bug fixes
  • Write a blogpost and tell people how Mikata project(s) helped you
  • Edit and expand on documentation
  • Write vignettes or tutorials for a Mikata project
  • Check out this page for more ideas

We will promote you to become an official Mikata team member after some contribution. Be our contributor, be our Mikata!

Can I feature my project under Mikata?

Of course! If you are interested in featuring your project under Mikata, fill out this form or email us at!

There are two ways to feature your project on Mikata.

  1. Start/Migrate the project to Mikata Github Organization – Choose this option if you have a new project or if your project does not have a lot of collaborators/stars – This will be the “original” or “parent” repository of the project. Collaboration and documentation will be updated on this repository – You will be a part of Mikata Project team and have write permission to the project – The parent repo url will be:

  2. Feature the project as a fork from your Github Repo – Choose this option if your project already have a lot of collaborators/stars or if you would like collaborations to happen in your own Github account – This will be a fork repository of the project. We use wei/pull to sync the fork repository from “parent” repository. Collaboration and documentation will be updated on your own repository. (Mikata team will help you set up) – The parent repo url will be: The forked copy on Mikata will be